Offer for provision of Services

This Offer (hereinafter referred to as the Offer) is the official offer of PARAMEDICS LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Operator) and defines the standard conditions and procedure for using the Operator to find profitable offers for the provision of medical services.

General concepts and terms used in this Offer:

Service is an information and reference resource) containing information about work and services in the medical ecosystem intended for potential consumers of goods and services.

Services of the Service Operator– creating a database of medical and other services, posting them on the Service, in order to create conditions for interaction between the User and the Partner for the implementation of medical and other work/services in accordance with the Partner’s competence.

User – individuals who use the Service to receive medical and other services placed by Partners and/or the Service Operator on behalf of the Partner, in accordance with the terms and requirements of the Service and this Offer, as well as the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Partner - individuals (legal and capable citizens), individual entrepreneurs and self-employed citizens, formed in a form that complies with the requirements of the current legislation of the state in which it is formed, carrying out activities to provide medical and other services (including performing work) by the User and offering to the User conclude an agreement for the provision of services on the Service, in accordance with the terms and requirements of the Service and this Offer, as well as the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The partner is an authorized person of the service being sold. All relationships related to the provision of services purchased by the User on the Service arise directly between the User and the Partner. PARAMEDICS LLC is not a representative of the Partner for the provision of services, and therefore is not authorized to accept claims regarding the provision of services.

Medical and other services – Service (including performance of work) that is the subject of a service agreement concluded between the User and the Partner through the Service.

Operator of the Service – Copyright Holder of the Service - legal entity PARAMEDICS LLC.

All rights to the Service as a whole and to the use of the network address (domain name) https://paramedics.uz belong to the Service Operator. The latter provides access to the Service to all interested parties in accordance with this Offer and the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

1. The Subject of the Agreement

1.1. In accordance with this agreement, the Operator provides the User with access to the Service, which allows the User to post information about the potential demand for medical and other related services (hereinafter referred to as the Services) and search for offers from Partners for the provision of relevant services.

1.2. Depending on the User's region, all or some functions of the Service may be unavailable or limited. Functions are considered unavailable (restricted) for a User from a certain region if such a User cannot use them explicitly. The use of any technical or software methods to circumvent these restrictions is prohibited. The provisions of this Offer governing the functions of the Service that are inaccessible (limited) to the User do not apply until such functions become explicitly available to the User.

1.3. The Operator and/or involved third parties have the right to collect opinions and feedback from Users on various issues of the Service for statistical purposes, to control the quality of the Services provided, and also to use the received data in an anonymized form for the operation of the Service. A survey of Users can be carried out by sending an information message or communicating using the contact information specified by the User in the account (via telephone calls or emails).

1.4. The Operator may temporarily or permanently restrict the provision of the Service to the User without giving reasons, including in case of violation by the User of the terms of this Offer, orders of an authorized body, causing damage to the Operator or third parties (as well as to suppress such actions), creating a danger to others, protecting rights and legitimate interests of the Operator and third parties, receiving repeated complaints about the actions of the User or persons in respect of whom the User posts information about potential demand for Services through the Service.

1.5. The Operator is not a party to transactions concluded through the Operator Service between the User and the Partner. Due to this:

1.5.1. The operator does not control the compliance of the transaction with the requirements of the law, does not influence its terms, and is not responsible for the consequences of its conclusion, execution or termination, including the issue of returning money under such a transaction;

1.5.2. is not liable to the User for obligations arising from the Partner;

1.5.3. The Operator does not consider the User’s claims regarding issues of improper performance by the Partner of its obligations.

2. Procedure for acceptance

2.1. Acceptance of this Offer is carried out by registering the User in the Service. The service is available on iOS platforms. User registration in the Service is free and voluntary.

2.2. The user is automatically registered by authorization through the ONE ID Identification System..

2.3. After successful registration, the User is assigned a unique ID number.

3. Provision of Services by Partners

3.1. Medical services, orders for which were placed by the User through the use of the Service, are provided by Partners. The conditions for the provision of Services by Partners specified in this Offer are brought to the attention of the User.

3.2. The Service Operator is not a Contractor for the provision of Services, does not enter into an agreement with the User for Services on its own behalf or on behalf of the Partners, and does not instruct Partners to provide Services based on User Orders.

3.3. Placement of an order by the User does not constitute acceptance by the Service Operator to fulfill the User’s order for the provision of Services. Acceptance of the User's order for the provision of Services in accordance with the terms of the order is carried out by the Partners and is considered to have taken place at the moment when information about the acceptance of the order by the Partner is brought to the attention of the User through the Service interface.

3.4. The Service Operator does not guarantee the User that the order placed by the User will be accepted for execution by any Partner. The Service Operator does not guarantee that an order accepted by the Partner will be fulfilled by the Partner and is not responsible for the failure to provide Services for orders accepted by the Partner. An order that is not accepted by any of the Partners within 15 minutes from the moment it is placed by the User is updated automatically. If after the third update the order is not accepted by any of the Partners, the order will be automatically canceled, of which the User is notified indicating the reasons through the Service interface or in another way.

3.5. The User, using the Service, has the right to place an order in the interests of a third party (hereinafter referred to as the “Order for a third party”). The Service Operator processes the personal data provided by the User of the person in respect of whom the User places an Order for a third party through the use of the Service, in accordance with the privacy policy posted at the following link on the Internet: https://paramedics.uz.

3.6. The cost of the Services is set by the Partners based on their tariffs, which are posted by the Service Operator in the Service. The cost of the Services is determined based on the selected type of Service and the Partner’s rating. The cost of the Services may be changed in the cases specified in this Offer.

3.7. The user is solely responsible for indicating correct data when placing an order and independently bears the risk of adverse consequences in case of specifying incorrect data when placing an order (including, but not limited to, incorrectly indicating the address, incorrectly indicating the type of service, not filling out the initial questionnaire about physical parameters and failure to fill out medical history in the Service’s medical record).

4. Payment for Services

4.1. Payment for Partner Services under this Offer can be made in the following ways:

4.1.1. Directly in cash to the Partner;

4.1.2. Non-cash by using a linked bank card or by using a payment application (if available) in accordance with the terms of the payment application provider, as well as directly from the balance of the User’s account in the Service (hereinafter referred to as the “Non-cash payment method”). If the User pays for the Services provided by the Partner using a non-cash payment method, the Service Operator acts on behalf of the relevant Partner on behalf of the Service Operator, but at the Partner’s expense, with the involvement of an authorized operator for accepting payments, or an electronic money operator, or other participants in settlements, information technology interaction, and is the recipient of the payment as an agent of the Partner.

4.2. If the User places an Order for a third party through the Service and chooses a non-cash payment method, the User undertakes to pay for the Services provided under the Order for the third party.

4.3. If the User places an Order for a third party and chooses the payment method in cash, the third party in respect of whom the User placed the Order for a third party is obliged to pay for the Service provided by the Partner upon completion of the Service. If such a third party has not made payment for the Services provided, then the User must make the specified payment, and in this case, the User may be limited in the ability to place an order until the appropriate payment is made.

4.4. The Service Operator does not guarantee the absence of errors and failures with non-cash payment methods.

4.5. The choice of the appropriate form of payment is made by the User by using the appropriate functionality of the Service. When choosing a non-cash payment method, the debiting of funds by the Service Operator from the Linked Card or from the balance of the User's account is considered correct, and no refund is made by canceling the debit. If it is impossible for any reason to make a payment by non-cash payment method (including, but not limited to, temporary technical unavailability of this function, temporary or permanent impossibility of non-cash payment using a Linked card, insufficient funds on the linked card or on the balance of the User's account), the User undertakes to make payment in cash. The User undertakes to bring this condition to the attention of the person in respect of whom the User places an order for a third party.

4.6. The User understands and agrees that all actions performed within the framework of using the Service using the mobile phone number confirmed by him, including payment by non-cash payment method, are considered to be performed by the User.

4.7. Within the framework of this Offer, the Service Operator is not a payment agent or payment organization in the understanding established by the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 1, 2019 No.-578 “On Payments and Payment Systems”.

5. Rights and obligations of the Parties

5.1. The Service Operator has the right:

5.1.1. at any time unilaterally limit, expand, change the content of the Service, as well as change and modify the Service and its functionality without prior notice to the User;

5.1.2. during the User’s use of the Service, warn, notify, inform about the User’s non-compliance with the terms of this Offer;

5.1.3. in case of violation by the User of the terms of this Offer, limit the functionality of the Service in whole or in part;

5.1.4. independently or with the involvement of third parties, contact the User using the provided mobile phone number for the purpose of conducting research to improve the quality of the Service;

5.2. The Service Operator undertakes:

5.2.1. provide the User with access to the functionality of the Service, as provided for in this Offer;

5.2.2. provide the User with information about the Partner who is the direct provider of the Service;

5.2.3. upon request, provide the possibility of communication between the Partner and the User through the use of the functionality of the Service.

5.3. The user has the right:

5.3.1. use the Service in the ways specified in this Offer, subject to the restrictions established by this Offer.

5.4. The user undertakes:

5.4.1. Use the Service exclusively in the ways specified in this Offer;

5.4.2. not to violate in any way the intellectual property rights of the Service Operator in relation to the Service and/or any components of the Service, in particular, the User does not have the right to distribute, make available to the public, change, modify, decompile or disassemble the Service; copy, broadcast, distribute, publish, and otherwise distribute and reproduce materials (text, graphics, audio-video) included in the Service without the written consent of the Service Operator;

5.4.3. independently take appropriate measures to ensure the security of his account and prevent unauthorized use of the account by third parties; independently take appropriate measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of the User’s bank cards;

5.4.4. not to carry out deliberate actions aimed at creating excessive load on the servers on which the Service is hosted;

5.4.5. not to carry out any actions not aimed at the normal use of the Service in accordance with its functionality, including, but not limited to, not to place orders in the absence of a real potential desire to use the Services of Partners, not to change the method of payment for Services in order to avoid payment for Services, not to carry out fraudulent actions aimed at obtaining discounts and other benefits.

6. Responsibility of the parties

6.1. The Service and the rights to use it in accordance with this Offer are provided to the User “as is” on “conditions of availability”.

6.2. The Service Operator does not guarantee that:

6.2.1. The Service will satisfy the subjective expectations and requirements of the User;

6.2.2. use of the Service will proceed continuously, quickly, without technical failures and without errors;

6.2.3. the results of the User's use of the Service will be error-free;

6.2.4. The Service will be available and can be used around the clock, at any given time or for any period of time.

6.3. The Service Operator is not responsible for temporary interruptions, technical problems and termination of the Service on the User’s personal device.

6.4. The Service Operator is not responsible for losses, direct or indirect damage incurred by the User in connection with the use and/or inability to use the Service.

6.5. The Service Operator is not responsible for damage caused to the User and persons in respect of whom the User placed an order. The Partner is responsible for harm caused to the User and persons in respect of whom the User placed an order, as well as in the process of providing the Services, in accordance with the provisions of applicable law.

6.6. The Service Operator is not responsible for the content and/or relevance of the information provided by Partners. The Service Operator is not responsible for financial and any other transactions performed by the User and Partners, as well as for any consequences of the User purchasing Services provided by the Partner

6.7. The Service Operator is not responsible for the User’s lack of access to the Internet, for the quality of services of Internet communication providers, for the quality of telephone services with which the User has entered into agreements for the provision of communication services.

6.8. The User is responsible for violation of intellectual property rights and other rights of the Service Operator in accordance with applicable law.

7. Duration of the Agreement, procedure for amendment and termination

7.1. This Agreement is valid from the moment the User accepts the Offer, as provided for in this Offer, and is valid indefinitely.

7.2. This Offer is subject to change without any prior notice. Any changes to the Offer come into force on the day following the day the Offer is published in the amended version. The User undertakes to independently check the Offer for changes. Failure by the User to familiarize himself with the Offer and/or the amended Offer cannot serve as a basis for the User’s failure to fulfill his obligations and the User’s failure to comply with the restrictions established by the Offer. The User independently bears the risk of adverse consequences caused by the User’s failure to familiarize himself with the amended version of the Offer. The User can review the current Offer on the website, as well as in the Service interface. By continuing to use the Service after inclusion in the Offer, the User is deemed to have agreed to the changes made. If the User does not agree with the changes made to the Offer, the User must immediately stop using the Service and terminate this Agreement.

7.3. The User may unilaterally, out of court, terminate this Agreement at any time by deleting his account.

7.4. The Service Operator may unilaterally terminate this Agreement out of court in the event of:

7.4.1. repeated minor violation by the User of the terms of this Offer;

7.4.2. a single significant violation by the User of the terms of this Offer.

8. Other conditions

8.1. The invalidity of one or more provisions of the Agreement, recognized in the prescribed manner by a court decision that has entered into force, does not entail the invalidity of the Agreement as a whole for the Parties.

8.2. All disputes between the parties under this Agreement must be resolved through correspondence through the functionality of the Service and negotiations using the mandatory pre-trial (claim) procedure, unless otherwise provided by applicable law. If it is impossible to reach an agreement between the parties through negotiations within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the moment the other party receives a written claim, consideration of the dispute must be submitted by any interested party to the court at the location of the Service Operator, unless otherwise expressly provided for by the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan .

8.3. If the User has any claims regarding the Services, the User is obliged to submit a claim / file a claim against the Partner acting as the contractor. The Service Operator can assist in resolving conflict situations, disputes, etc. that arise between the Partner and the User by providing detailed information about the order, the User and the Partner to authorized government agencies upon receipt of a written request from them.



Ac: 20208000905637655001;

MFO: 00421:

TIN: 310393915;

Tashkent, Sayram, 5th passage/92.

E-mail: hello@paramedics.uz